The new headquarters was just opened in January of 2023


Edgar Wohlwender, 1925


“Wools” Wohlwender, 1943


“sports ARE UNIQUE. THEY bring a diverse group of people together

for one cause—winning together”


Sport is in our DNA, and being fans, that’s in our hearts.

Two brothers, a cousin, and a brother-in-law, who happen to be a Creative Director, an Engineer, a CEO, and a Patent Lawyer. All leaders in their industry. All with a great motivation to create unique products that bring people together and lift the human spirit.

Along with our team of partners our aim is to tap into the uplifting experience and energy of fan camaraderie to create dazzling products for the dazzling group of people, fans.

-The Wohlwenders and Partners.




Why are we fans?

Watch the video.